On 30th May 1908, the Mayor of the Mornington Borough, Mr H A LeCren, chaired a meeting in the local Council Chambers to discuss the proposal to form a Mornington Bowling Club. In his opening remarks he pointed out that other Boroughs in Dunedin had Bowling Clubs and it was time for Mornington to follow suit. It was agreed that the best way of raising funds was to form a Company with a capital of £500 with shares of £1 each. On 7th December 1908, the Company was registered under the Companies Act 1903. There were 100 shareholders, a cross-section of society : lawyers, ministers, teachers, accountants, retailers, tradesmen and one who gave his occupation as "gentleman" The objects of the Company were to promote the game of bowls, to purchase or lease land suitable for a bowling green, to form, maintain, equip and erect buildings on such a green and to hold and arrange bowling matches or competitions.
The registered office of the Company was situated at the residence of Mr William Davidson, 26 Elgin Road, Mornington, until it was transferred to the pavilion in Bowler Avenue in 1911.
Organisation proceeded at a good pace and at a Special Meeting of the shareholders in August, 1909, the Directors reported on finances and the state of progress. The Chairman advised it was hoped that the new green would be ready for play by the end of November. Thirty one new Club members were enrolled at the meeting which fixed the Annual Subscription at £1-15s, and instructed the Directors to take immediate steps to join the Dunedin Bowling Centre.
At the opening of the Green on Saturday 13th November 1909, it was claimed that the green, the largest in Dunedin, played remarkably well. The Evening Star reporter noted that it was well grassed, ran keen and true and behaved as though it had been drilled and groomed for a decade.
The first competition game was played on the green on Wednesday 17th November against the Kaituna Club
Over time the Company experienced several problems with financial and shareholder records and friction that had developed between the Company and the Club. This came to a head in 1949 when it was agreed the Club be formed into an Incorporated Society and the Company be dissolved. The Club was duly incorporated on 8th February 1950. It took five years to wind up the Company and hand over finally to the Club, and on 26th May 1955, the application was made to the Registrar to have the Company struck off the Register.
In June 2006 at a Special General Meeting the Constitution & Rules of the Club were amended to permit full membership status for women members and the Women's Section of the Club was wound up.
Today the Club boasts a total membership of 76 men and women and is now among the largest bowling clubs affiliated to the Dunedin Centre.